The Heroes Ladder Pre-season is live for all regions!

In conjunction with our partnership with Bulkhead Interactive and FACEIT, we are hosting Battalion 1944 team-only ladders for Europe, North America, Oceania and South America starting from today. These ladders will launch into a pre-season period until the end of the month, and then into regular month-long events from June 1st. Each monthly ladder will feature prizes including the ultra-rare Heroes War Chest (only obtainable by competing in Heroes Ladder, or directly from the Bulkhead CEO Joe Brammer).

In order to compete in Heroes Ladder, you must first create a team on FACEIT with a minimum of 4 other players and also join your region’s respective hub.

Points Breakdown

  • Starting Points: 1,000
  • Points for win: +50
  • Points for loss: -20
  • Streak bonus: +100 (5 match wins)


  • Heroes War Chest for every player on the winning team each month
  • FACEIT Points

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