Our weekly European Overwatch tournament comes to a close with these season finals.
- Details
- Rules
- Support
After 5 weeks of hard-fought battles, the season's 8 best teams will fight once more in these season finals.
- Date: Thursday 20th April 2017
- Event Start: 18:00 (UTC+1)
- Entry Fee: NONE
- Prize: $420
- Format: BO3 Double Elimination (BO1 Lower Bracket), BO5 Final
Make sure you check the rules of this tournament. If you've any questions please contact us via the Support tab
- The winning team's captain has to enter the result on the related match page.
- In the event of disputes, teams are highly advised to take screenshots to better communicate their claim to the admins.
Maps & Format
- First map of each round is preselected, the loser of the previous map chooses the next map. The other team chooses their side.
- All upper-bracket rounds are best-of-three (BO3).
- All lower-bracket rounds are best-of-one (BO1).
- The team on the left-hand side of the fixture attacks first on preselected maps. Team who didn’t pick subsequent maps will choose side.
- Grand Final will feature 2 BO3 matches. In order to win, the upper-bracket finalist only needs to win 1 BO3. Lower-bracket finalist must win both BO3s.
Match settings
- Game Mode: Custom Game
- Custom Game Settings:
- Rule Set: Competitive
- Map Rotation: Paused
- Map Order: Single Map
- Return to Lobby: Payload = After a mirror match ; Control (King of the Hill) = After a game
- Hero selection limit: 1 Per Team
- Control Game Mode Format: Best of 5
- Disable kill cam: On
- High Bandwidth: On
- All other settings as default
Ingame problems, pausing, disqualifications:
- Pausing
- You may NOT pause the match during a teamfight
- You may NOT use the pause functions for a tactical break
- Teams can pause for up to 4 minutes per map
- A team may not pause more than 3 times during 1 map
- Remakes (back to lobby):
- Teams can go back to lobby to reset the map ONLY if the game has not gone on for longer than 15 seconds after the spawns opened up - the issue needs to be announced immediately and the reason must be mentioned
- Otherwise the Pause function must be used
- First usage of known exploits or bugs will result in a forfeit of the current game. A second usage of known exploits or bugs will result in disqualification and potentially bans from participating in further tournaments.
- A formal complaint regarding behaviour and/or bugs needs to occur no more than 15 minutes after the game ended, otherwise the matter will be considered as closed
- Admins will reserve the right to disqualify a team based on their behaviour at their sole discretion if something noteworthy is brought to their attention
Teams should claim their prize winnings within 7 days of the tournament completing. They should do so by emailing invoicing@nofiltergaming.com confirming their team name and position, and also which PayPal email address to send the cash prize to.
Cash prizes will be paid only via PayPal.